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Should I accept my ex friend request on Instagram?

Should I accept my ex friend request on Instagram?

It will comes to you to decide if taking is the best. Personally, I would accept it because even if they regret it you are the one deciding if you want just to talk or something more. If you don’t and still fell pain, don’t accept him/her, but if you pass that point and remember him/her as a person you can talk do it !

Why does my ex keep adding me on social media?

It can mean one of two things: he is fully over you and has transitioned into friend zone with you; hence he wants to be in touch but indifferent toward you romantically. Or, he misses you, wants to reconcile but doesn’t know how to say that so he’s trying to start something with you via SM by taking baby steps!

Should I send follow request to my ex?

Yes please do send a friend request. The only condition being- if you are over him to an extent that his posts and updates do not affect you any longer. If the condition is not so, wait for some time. Get stable mentally.

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Should I’re add my ex on social media?

“It is OK to follow them again when you have a friendship. The measure is that if your ex is dating someone would you want to go to dinner with him and his new girlfriend and would you be happy that she is lovely?” Berman proposed. Otherwise, she says.

Why is my ex following me?

According to Brown, an ex following you on Instagram could mean that they miss you, either romantically or just as a friend. “Perhaps they truly are over the romantic aspects of your relationship, but they cherish your friendship and want to continue to include you in their life,” Brown explains.

Why did he follow his ex on Instagram?

“If your partner’s ex still follows them on Instagram but they’re respectful of your relationship, there really isn’t anything to handle,” Figueroa says. These two are probably just trying to stay on friendly terms, or maybe they didn’t even notice they’re still connected on social media.