Popular lifehacks

Should I keep or scatter ashes?

Should I keep or scatter ashes?

And rather than burying the urn or spreading the ashes, many people keep the urns of loved ones in their homes. But placing an urn on a mantel or shelf at one’s home is really only a means of temporary disposition. Burying the urn or scattering the ashes accomplishes true final disposition.

Are you supposed to spread ashes?

While you should always request permission before scattering ashes on private property, there are no laws about where or how ashes should be scattered on public property. When scattering the ashes, only decomposable items such as wreaths or flowers may be added to the water.

Where should my ashes be scattered?

According to California law, ashes may be scattered by employees at a licensed cemetery, crematory, registered cremated remains disposers, funeral establishment staff members, family members of the deceased, or any person who has the right to control the disposition of the remains or their designee as long as that …

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Where should I put my ashes in the house?

For instance, ashes can be stored in a granite bench or a pedestal and placed in a cemetery. Urns can also be placed in a columbarium niche or even buried. Storing ashes at home is a great way to honor a loved one amongst your family, but it makes it difficult for others to visit and remember them.

What can I do with my husband’s ashes?

20+ Ideas on What to Do With Cremation Ashes

  • Choose a classic funeral urn or a modern urn for ashes.
  • Interment of cremated ashes.
  • Scatter the ashes.
  • Turn cremation ashes into jewellery.
  • Have a cremation portrait ordered.
  • Set the dust into fireworks.
  • Scatter their ashes at sea or turn them into a coral reef.

Are you allowed to scatter ashes anywhere?

You are free to scatter ashes anywhere on your own private property, but if someone else owns the land, you need to ask permission first. If the property owner says no, find another location. Don’t try to secretly spread the ashes anyway.

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Where can I scatter my husband’s ashes?

Here are some examples of where you can scatter ashes:

  • In a churchyard, cemetery or natural burial ground.
  • Over the sea, a river or body of water.
  • In a national park or public space.
  • On private land (back garden, sports ground or private farmland)