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Should I learn SFML SDL?

Should I learn SFML SDL?

Use SFML. Easy to use, understand and great documentation. Also has a lot of flexibility, for example if you want to start doing 3D stuff, you can use SFML to set up your environment for OpenGL which is usually a pain in the ass otherwise. SFML is basically the C++ version of SDL.

What is the difference between GLFW and glut?

GLFW is an alternative to FreeGLUT. Like FreeGLUT, GLFW is fairly bare-bones. It provides a way to create windows or full-screen displays. The biggest difference between them is that, while FreeGLUT owns the message processing loop, GLFW does not.

What is sfsfml and how to use it?

SFML is not all about window-creation (even though many people use it only for that). It can be used to render hardware-accelerated graphics (including some basic as well as complex shapes). In this example, we’ll constrain ourselves to draw a basic shape (a circle):-

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How do I add SFML libraries to my project?

The next step is to link your application to the SFML libraries (.lib files) that your code will need. SFML is made of 5 modules (system, window, graphics, network and audio), and there’s one library for each of them. Libraries must be added in the project’s properties, in Linker » Input » Additional Dependencies.

Do SFML modules depend on one another?

You might have noticed from the table that SFML modules can also depend on one another, e.g. sfml-graphics-s.lib depends both on sfml-window-s.lib and sfml-system-s.lib. If you static link to an SFML library, make sure to link to the dependencies of the library in question, as well as the dependencies of the dependencies and so on.

How to download the latest stable version of SFML?

Download the latest stable version of SFML. Right click on following address and select Open Link in New Window https://www.sfml-dev.org/download/sfml/2.5.1/. Click the first button, today Download 16.3 MB, next to “Visual C++ 15 (2017) – 32-bit”. In downloading window, click folder SFML-2.5.1 (or latest version) > right click > Copy.