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Should I put reverb on all tracks?

Should I put reverb on all tracks?

There really is no right or wrong way when deciding whether you want to use reverb on a track or not. Ultimately, it’s a personal and artistic choice. Sometimes, you won’t know if it’s a good one or not until you try it. So add reverb to a track and see if it improves the track’s sonic quality or not.

What is an advantage of using an auxiliary send return effect routing instead of a channel insert?

The signal that gets sent to an aux track is a duplicate of the original. The benefit of using an aux track is that you can apply processing to a duplicate signal without affecting the original track’s signal. This gives you control over the mix between the dry (original track) and wet (aux track) signals.

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Should you add reverb to drums?

If the acoustics of your studio are not creating satisfying drum ambiance and your tracks are lifeless and dry, you can use reverb to make your kit sound like it was recorded in a bigger, more reverberant space, while keeping it sounding natural and organic.

Should you put reverb on master?

Generally, you’re going to want to place your reverb on individual instruments versus the master output. This is how it works in reality. Each individual sound being created in a room generates its own reverb. Typically, the louder a reverb is the further back in the soundscape an instrument sounds like it is.

What is the purpose of Aux Sends?

An “Aux Send” is a type of output used on most live sound and recording mixers. It allows you to create an “auxiliary” mix in which you have individual level control over each input channel on your mixer to your “Aux Send” output.

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Should I put reverb on overheads?

It’s quite common to send all your drums to the same reverb, but applying a separate reverb to a finicky set of overheads may be what’s required to prevent them from sounding “flat.” Abbey Road Reverb Plates has a shimmery personality and allows you to filter its output signal; this helps separate the reverb from the …

Should I put reverb on kick?

As a general rule of thumb, I keep the kick drum pretty dry. Especially on rhythmic dance tracks. However, there is definitely a time and place to putting reverb on a kick. First off, there’s no rule against filtering the lows out of the reverb and just using it to add a bit of flavor to the top end of the kick.