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Should you 3-bet pocket pairs?

Should you 3-bet pocket pairs?

It is simply too weak to 3-bet or to flat in most situations. In general, you should be more conservative with your pocket pairs out of position because even when you do hit a favorable flop, it will be much more difficult to get a lot of value from your opponent.

Should you raise small pocket pairs?

Playing small pairs correctly in tournaments is crucial—they practically print money when played correctly! When playing deep, we can flat call and open-raise many small pairs. Avoid flat calling small pairs against early and (some) middle position opens. Avoid flatting small pairs with less than 30bb effective stacks.

How often do pocket pairs flop a set?

The question is – what are the odds of flopping a set? When you hold a pocket pair, the odds of flopping a set are 7.5-1, or roughly 12\%. It’s important to know the odds, as many people will try to “set mine” when playing Texas Hold’em.

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How good are pocket 2s?

These low pairs are deceptively strong, and will often land novice players in a lot of trouble if they are over-valued. A small pocket pair is usually regarded as a pair between 22 and 66. A small pocket pair is ahead of the majority of other hands pre-flop as long as an opponent does not hold a higher pocket pair.

Does a pocket pair beat a regular pair?

Odds of Flopping Two Pair or a Set You know the odds of hitting the worst and best pocket cards in poker. When you have a pocket pair, even the lowest pair in poker, the odds of flopping a set are 15-2, or just under 11\%. This percentage jumps to 16.1\% to hit two pair.

Should I call all-in with JJ?

Absolutely yes. Very comfortable range at all. Players of all kinds like to get as much value as possible from hands like AA and KK, so more likely they will 3bet instead of going all-in pre-flop.

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Why are pocket jacks bad?

Players with jacks get frustrated because they feel like their opponent always as an ace. If you’re heads-up than pocket jacks are much stronger because you don’t have to worry about multiple players flopping two-pair or trips. Pocket jacks are a monster when you’re heads-up pre-flop.