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Should you change your last name after divorce?

Should you change your last name after divorce?

Just as taking his name when you got married was a signal that you were one unit, legally updating your name back symbolizes that you no longer wish to be connected legally, emotionally, or financially with your ex. It also symbolizes your independence and the fact that the marriage is completely over.

Can you change Childs surname without fathers consent?

Before you can think about how to change the surname of the child, you must obtain the consent of anyone with parental responsibility, including your ex-partner. However, if the other parent does not consent to the name change, you would need to apply to the Court for permission to change your child’s name.

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When can I change my child’s last name without father’s consent?

If your child is under 16 years old, potentially both parents will have to consent to a change in the child’s name. In certain circumstances, however, you can change your child’s name without the child’s “legal” father’s consent. The first thing you have to ascertain is, who exactly is the child’s “legal” father.

Can my ex wife change your child’s last name?

Your ex spouse will not be able to legally change their last name with prior permission from you or if they file for a name change they must serve you notice. However, when the children turn 18 they may without your permission legally change their last name.

Can my child’s mother change his last name?

Both legal parents have the right to name a child or to request a name change. However, one parent can’t change a child’s name without the approval of the other parent. If the child’s last name is changed, then the court issues a formal document showing the new last name.

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Can I ask my ex wife to change her last name?

You can attempt to negotiate with your ex-wife to change her last name, although she’s under no legal obligation to do so. It’s best to consult before your divorce is final. After your divorce is final, although you could petition to modify your divorce decree for a name change, you’re in a weaker negotiating position.