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Should you include references in a PowerPoint presentation?

Should you include references in a PowerPoint presentation?

Should a presentation contain references? You should always cite your references during a presentation, whether it is oral or visual. This shows your audience you have done ample research and you are giving credit to the sources that were cited instead of engaging in plagiarism.

What should not be included in a PowerPoint example?

What To Avoid In Order To Develop Successful Powerpoint Presentations

  • Too Much Text. The number one mistake found in PowerPoint presentations is usually the amount of text used in a slide.
  • Bad Fonts.
  • Images And Videos With Poor Quality.
  • Bad Contrast.
  • Moves And Transitions.
  • A Final Word.
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Do references go before or after thank you slide?

In general, as far as I know, a “thank you” slide of a presentation is the termination slide of the presentation, i.e., it comes at the end after references.

How do you identify references in a presentation?

Distinguish your citations from the information by using one of these methods:

  1. Use a smaller font.
  2. Use italics for the source (and then use underlining, not italics, for book titles)
  3. Use a different color.
  4. Make the citation big enough so people can see it from anywhere in the room.
  5. Don’t make your slides too busy.

What are do’s and don’ts of PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint Do’s and Don’ts

  • DO: Stay Concise.
  • DON’T: Overdo the Special Effects.
  • DO: Use Humor.
  • DON’T: Just Read the Slides.
  • DO: Look Up!
  • DON’T: Rush.
  • DO: Be Bold and Direct.
  • DON’T: Over Rely on Clipart.

What are do’s and don’ts of presentation?

Presentation Design Dos and Don’ts

  • Don’t use a lot of a text in your slides.
  • Do use as few words as possible on each slide.
  • Don’t use the same font size throughout your slides.
  • Do switch up font sizes throughout each slide.
  • Don’t use bullet points.
  • Do use graphics to support your points.
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Why you shouldn’t use a thank you slide?

There is no real reason to add a thank you slide. You can simply thank the audience yourself and use something much better instead. The most useful thing you can have as the last slide of a presentation is a summary of results or important points, preferably in the form of bullets.

Should you put a thank you slide at the end of a presentation?

Most presentations should bypass using a “thank you” slide as the conclusion. In general, “thank you” slides are often seen as weak because they aren’t asking for anything from the audience. Often, it’s better to write a conclusion with a call to action that encourages the audience to take the next step.

When citing references in an oral presentation what should you do?


  1. In oral presentations, all of your citations will need to be narrative.
  2. When making reference to works by several authors in regards to one statement, it is sufficient to simply refer to them by name:
  3. If you are giving a direct quote, then you need to make it clear in your speech that you are quoting directly.