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Should you set your YouTube as made for kids?

Should you set your YouTube as made for kids?

Made For Kids should only be used as a channel-wide designation for a channel 100\% dedicated to children’s content. If you are an artist or label who makes music for a general audience, you should set your channel as Not Made For Kids.

What happens if I set my video to made for kids?

Videos that you set as ‘Made for Kids’ yourself are more likely to be recommended alongside other children’s videos. If you’ve already set your audience for your video and YouTube detects error or abuse, you may see your video set as ‘Set to Made for Kids’. You won’t be able to change your audience setting.

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What happens if I set my channel as not made for kids?

Important: Why every creator must set their audience Regardless of your location, we require you to tell us whether or not your videos are made for kids. If you fail to set your audience accurately, you may face compliance issues with the FTC or other authorities, and we may take action on your YouTube account.

What happens if I select its made for kids?

If an entire channel is designated as “made for kids,” YouTube will deactivate the channel’s stories, notifications, community posts, and memberships feature.

What age is YouTube suitable for?

YouTube is technically only for teens 13 and up, and what the site considers age-appropriate may not match your values. But YouTube offers a filter called Restricted Mode that limits the iffy stuff. Go to your account settings page and toggle on Restricted Mode at the bottom of the page.

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Why does YouTube ask if a video is made for kids?

Regardless of your location, we require you to tell us whether or not your videos are made for kids according to an agreement with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and to help you comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and/or other applicable laws.