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Under what conditions does a quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator behave as a classical harmonic oscillator?

Under what conditions does a quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator behave as a classical harmonic oscillator?

The position of the oscillator fluctuates with a root mean square displacement amplitude del x= (Kb*T/m*w^2)^1/2, where m is mass of the oscillator and w is frequency. At high temp. oscillator will behave as classical oscillator.

Why is harmonic oscillator called harmonic?

The motion is called harmonic because musical instruments make such vibrations that in turn cause corresponding sound waves in air.

Why is studying the harmonic oscillator so important in physics?

The harmonic oscillator is important because it’s an approximate solution to nearly every system with a minimum of potential energy. which is the harmonic oscillator potential for small oscillations around x0.

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What is the harmonic oscillator model?

The simple harmonic oscillator (SHO) is a model for molecular vibration. It represents the relative motion of atoms in a diatomic molecule or the simultaneous motion of atoms in a polyatomic molecule along an “normal mode” of vibration.

Why simple harmonic motion is important?

Why is simple harmonic motion so important? Simple harmonic motion is a very important type of periodic oscillation where the acceleration (α) is proportional to the displacement (x) from equilibrium, in the direction of the equilibrium position.

What is the difference between quantum harmonic oscillator and classical harmonic oscillator?

The ground state energy is larger than zero. This means that, unlike a classical oscillator, a quantum oscillator is never at rest, even at the bottom of a potential well, and undergoes quantum fluctuations.

What is forced harmonic oscillator discuss the characteristic of forced harmonic oscillator in detail?

A forced harmonic oscillator refers to a damped oscillator being subjected to an external force. When an external force is applied to an oscillator, it will undergo a transient state where the oscillator will shift from its natural frequency to the applied force’s frequency.

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What is a harmonic oscillator?

THE HARMONIC OSCILLATOR • Nearly any system near equilibrium can be approximated as a H.O. • One of a handful of problems that can be solved exactly in quantum mechanics examples m 1 m 2 B (magnetic field) A diatomic molecule µ (spin magnetic moment) E (electric field) Classical H.O. m X 0

What is the difference between a quantum harmonic oscillator and quantum field?

While the state space of a single quantum harmonic oscillator contains all the discrete energy states of one oscillating particle, the state space of a quantum field contains the discrete energy levels of an arbitrary number of particles.

What is quantum field theory in quantum mechanics?

Quantum field theory. QFT treats particles as excited states (also called quanta) of their underlying fields, which are—in a sense—more fundamental than the basic particles. Interactions between particles are described by interaction terms in the Lagrangian involving their corresponding fields.

Why is the smooth potential important in quantum mechanics?

Because an arbitrary smooth potential can usually be approximated as a harmonic potential at the vicinity of a stable equilibrium point, it is one of the most important model systems in quantum mechanics. Furthermore, it is one of the few quantum-mechanical systems for which an exact, analytical solution is known.