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Was Kylo Ren a good duelist?

Was Kylo Ren a good duelist?

Kylo Ren was more analogous to Anakin Skywalker in Ep 2, where he clearly had some training but any master duelist would eventually defeat him. Canonically, Kylo is a capable fighter, though it’s sort of hard to judge him as a duelist.

Who is stronger in the Force KYLO or Rey?

Ren has spent more time using the Force than Rey. Her abilities might have had a slight role to play in her survival on Jakku, but as far as we know, they were, by and large, dormant. Rey might have a more pure, light connection, but Ren is stronger with the Force…for now.

Are the Knights of Ren Force sensitive?

The Knights of Ren were an enclave of masked Force-sensitive warriors that adhered to the ways of the Ren, a religious philosophy epitomized by the lightsaber. Ben Solo—the nephew and Padawan of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker—destroyed the new generation of Jedi and subsequently joined the Knights by killing Ren.

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Is Kylo Ren more powerful than snoke?

During the timeframe of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, Snoke was undoubtedly more proficient in using the dark side, but Kylo was still the more powerful of the two in terms of raw and potential strength. Snoke’s only real advantage over Kylo Ren was his experience and discipline.

Was Rey a good duelist?

The experience with a staff helps too. Undeniably, even before the awakening of her Force abilities, Rey was better equipped to stand her own in a duel than most others. Because of her childhood and adolescence in the rough, combat-heavy deserts of Jakku, Rey learned impressive combat skills with her quarterstaff.

Was Luke a good duelist?

Luke revealed himself to be a gifted duelist, and owned raw ability. Later in life, Luke showed even greater abilities in lightsaber combat. He taught multiple students in the art of lightsaber combat, including his nephew Ben Solo, who would later became his strongest student and destroy his Jedi Order.

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Is Kylo Ren the most powerful?

Yes. Kylo Ren is by far the strongest star wars character. Nobody else even holds a candle to his awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Darth Sidious with his fancy pancy force storm and wormhole?