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What alphabet does Inuit use?

What alphabet does Inuit use?

Latin alphabet
Today, Inuit is written with the Latin alphabet in Greenland, Alaska, Labrador, the Mackenzie River delta in the Northwest Territories, and in part of Nunavut. In most of Nunavut and in northern Quebec, Inuit is written using the Inuit syllabary that has official status in Nunavut, alongside the Latin alphabet.

What is the difference between Inuk and Inuit?

“Inuit” is plural, and it also serves as the adjective; one person is an Inuk.

How do you say goodbye in Inuktitut?

Did you know that Nunavut has four official languages?…Speaking Inuktitut.

English Inuktitut Phonetics
Goodbye (to one person) Tavvauvutit Tah-vow-voo-teet
Goodbye to all (plural) Tavvauvusi Tah-vow-voo-see
Thank you Nakurmiik Na-koor-meek
You are welcome Ilaali Ee-lah-li
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What does Inuit mean in Inuktitut?

“Inuit,” meaning “people,” is used in Canada, and the language is called “Inuktitut” in eastern Canada although other local designations are used also.

Do people still live in igloos?

While igloos are no longer the common type of housing used by the Inuit, they remain culturally significant in Arctic communities. Igloos also retain practical value: some hunters and those seeking emergency shelter still use them….Igloo.

Published Online December 19, 2006
Last Edited April 24, 2020

How do you say Mom in Inuktitut?

ll is a rolled “l” sound. The diagram below shows the place of articulation (the origin of the sound in the mouth) for each Inuktitut sound….Inuit Nipingit—Inuit Sounds.

Inuktitut Term Pronunciation Meaning
Anaana a-NAA-na Mother
Anaanatsiaq a-NAA-nat-si-aq Grandmother
angaju a-ŊA-yu older brother
angakkuq a-ŋak-KOOQ shaman

How many people still speak Inuktitut?

More than 70 Aboriginal languages are being spoken across Canada

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Aboriginal language families and main languages Population Table 1 Note 1
Inuktitut 39,770
Athabaskan languages 23,455
Dene 13,005
Salish languages 5,620