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What arcs can I skip in one piece manga?

What arcs can I skip in one piece manga?

Below is a brief summary of the filler arcs you can skip from One Piece without worry:

  • 54-61: The Warship Island Arc. This is the series’ very first filler arc.
  • 135-135: The Post-Alabasta Arc.
  • 136-138: The Goat Island Arc.
  • 220-224: The Ocean’s Dream Arc.

What one piece arcs are worth watching?

One Piece is always great, whether you’re watching the main storyline or its various filler arcs….An Overview Of One Piece Filler Content.

Filler Arc Episodes
Goat Island 136-138
Ruluka Island 139-143
G-8 196-206
Ocean’s Dream 220-224

Which arc in one piece has the most episodes?

One Piece: The 10 Longest Arcs In The Series, Ranked

  1. 1 Dressrosa (118 Episodes)
  2. 2 Enies Lobby (49 Episodes)
  3. 3 Whole Cake Island (95 Episodes)
  4. 4 Wano (50+ Ongoing)
  5. 5 Alabasta (39 Episodes)
  6. 6 Water 7 (35 Episodes)
  7. 7 Punk Hazard (47 Episodes)
  8. 8 Fish-Man Island (52 Episodes)
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What episodes of One Piece should I watch?

The “Enies Lobby” (episodes 263-312) and “Marineford” (episodes 457-489) arcs are considered the best in all of One Piece, so definitely give them a watch even if you’re completely committed to the manga.

Do I need to watch One Piece filler episodes?

Only filler episodes should be skipped. Although fillers are very bad most times but some are really good as well like G8 arc (196- 206) so u can watch it but still if u skip them there won’t be anything you will miss in main storyline.

Which is the shortest arc in One Piece?

One Piece: 10 Shortest Arcs In The Manga, Ranked

  1. 1 Reverse Mountain Arc (5 Chapters): The Straw Hats Enter The Grand Line In This Arc.
  2. 2 Return To Sabaody Arc (5 Chapters): The Straw Hats Reunite After The Two-year Time-skip.
  3. 3 Loguetown Arc (5 Chapters): The Straw Hats Prepare To Enter The Grand Line.