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What are obtuse and acute angles called?

What are obtuse and acute angles called?

As the Angle Increases, the Name Changes:

Type of Angle Description
Acute Angle is less than 90°
Right Angle is 90° exactly
Obtuse Angle is greater than 90° but less than 180°
Straight Angle is 180° exactly

What makes an angle right acute or obtuse?

Acute angles measure less than 90 degrees. Right angles measure 90 degrees. Obtuse angles measure more than 90 degrees. Learn about angles types and see examples of each.

Can an angle be both acute and obtuse?

An obtuse triangle is one that has an angle greater than 90°. Because all the angles in a triangle add up to 180°, the other two angles have to be acute (less than 90°). It’s impossible for a triangle to have more than one obtuse angle.

Why is the supplement of an acute angle obtuse?

Measure of acute angle is between 0 and 90∘. Supplementary angles add up to 180∘, so supplement of acute angle must have a measure between 90∘ and 180∘ which is obtuse angle.

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What is the difference between acute and obtuse triangles?

An acute triangle (or acute-angled triangle) is a triangle with three acute angles (less than 90°). An obtuse triangle (or obtuse-angled triangle) is a triangle with one obtuse angle (greater than 90°) and two acute angles.

What does obtuse angle mean?

1a : not pointed or acute : blunt. b(1) of an angle : exceeding 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.

Can two vertically opposite angles be acute?

Step-by-step explanation: The fourth option is false as vertically opposite angles can be acute , obtuse or right angle but they are always same in value.

What is the supplement of an acute angle?

obtuse angle
The supplement of an acute angles is an obtuse angle.

Is the supplement of an angle always acute justify?

Acute angle are those measured less than 90o . Therefore, two acute angle cannot be supplementary to each other.