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What are physical layer connecting devices?

What are physical layer connecting devices?

Devices that operate at the physical layer include repeaters, hubs, network interface cards (NICs), cables and connectors. Repeaters are used to regenerate electrical signals that have attenuated (i.e., weakened) as a result of distance.

What is the physical layer concerned with?

Explanation: Physical layer deals with bit to bit delivery in networking. The data unit in the physical layer is bits. Process to process delivery or the port to port delivery is dealt in the transport layer. The various transmission mediums aid the physical layer in performing its functions.

Which network components are involved in physical layer?

Basic hardware components used in the OSI physical layer include network interface cards (NICs), connectors and interfaces, and cables that facilitate the transmission of data from source to destination. The Network Interface Card is a component installed in a computer in order to connect it to any available network.

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What is MAC and PHY?

PHY is Physical layer transceiver which connects to the copper interface of the Ethernet like BCM5461 and MAC is Media Access Control which will control the transfer of data from PHY, mostly MAC cores are inbuilt in Processors or Controllers as SoC.

What is physical and data link layer?

The physical and data link layers of the network protocol stack together define a machine’s network interface. The physical layer describes the way data is actually transmitted on the network medium. The data link layer defines how these streams of bits are put together into manageable chunks of data.

What is independent of the physical layer?

• Physical layer functions overview. • Physical layer standard or design. medium dependent: defines medium used and physical hardware. medium independent: specifies issues independent of medium such as line coding, and synchronisation (timing)

What is a physical data link?