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What are some bad things about Brazil?

What are some bad things about Brazil?

Brazil has serious problems with crime. With roughly 23.8 homicides per 100,000 residents, muggings, robberies, kidnappings and gang violence are common. Police brutality and corruption are widespread.

Do and don’ts of Brazil?

13 Cultural Do’s and Don’ts in Brazil to Have a Happy Life

  • Quick Note.
  • Don’t Use English.
  • Do Shake Hands and Hug and Kiss.
  • Don’t Use High-Value Bills to Buy Stuff.
  • Do Give a Tip at the Restaurant.
  • Don’t Lose Your Cool over Delays.
  • Do Say No at Least Three Times to Be Understood.
  • Don’t Stroll Around with Valuables at Sight.

What are two big problems that Brazil has had to deal with for much of its history?

What are two big problems Brazil had had to deal with for much of its history? One problem has been cash-crop agriculture, in sugar and rubber, then coffee. The second problem has been a two-class society of rich landowners and poor plantation laborers.

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What color should you avoid in Brazil?

Avoid green and yellow, the colors of the Brazilian flag.

Do Brazilians get drunk?

“The Brazilian pattern is to drink outside of the house, in the streets and bars and excessively. Young people drink to get drunk, and this increases the health risks and involvement with violence, drugs and other risk behaviors.

Do Brazilians kiss on cheek?

One Cheek Kiss In areas like São Paulo and Minas Gerais, where just one beijo is commonplace, usually you’ll give it with your right cheek touching theirs. This is arguably the most common form of kiss-greetings in Brazil, so if you’re unsure of how many kisses to give, it’s fine to default to just one.

What do Brazilians find rude?

Talking with mouth full/Slurp It’s not like Brazilians don’t like to talk during meals, and it’s very common to have some dialogues while eating. Slurping can also seem rude to a Brazilian, and we usually prefer to eat without making too much noise. In doing so, pay attention to this too.