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What are some contemporary moral problems?

What are some contemporary moral problems?

Contemporary Moral Issues

  • War and torture.
  • Death penalty.
  • Vegetarianism and non-human animal rights.
  • Abortion.
  • Euthanasia.
  • Poverty and humanitarian aid.
  • Pornography and censorship.
  • Affirmative action.

What are the problems of the Philippine educational system today?

Studies and fact-finding commissions have shown that the deteriorating quality of education is due to the low government budget for education; poor quality of teachers; poor management of schools; poor school facilities such as laboratory and library facilities; poor learning environment; the content of the curriculum; …

Why is it important to study contemporary moral issues?

The study of ethics helps a person to look at his own life critically and to evaluate his actions/choices/decisions.It assists a person in knowing what he/she really is and what is best for him/her and what he/she has to do in order to attain it. study of moral philosophy can help us to think better about morality.

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How do you identify moral issues?

When considering ethical issues, it is advised that you follow a stepwise approach in your decision-making process:

  1. Recognize there is an issue.
  2. Identify the problem and who is involved.
  3. Consider the relevant facts, laws and principles.
  4. Analyze and determine possible courses of action.
  5. Implement the solution.

What are the ethical issues in online education?

Ethical issues related to academic freedom, integrity, equality, equity and diversity, examination and consent, and identity and confidentiality that may face faculty and administrators in an online teaching environment were addressed. …

What are the ethical issues in educational research?

However, in the case of educational research, the main principles of ethics are anonymity, informed consent, openness, confidentiality and no harm.