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What are some environmental considerations with rare-earth metals?

What are some environmental considerations with rare-earth metals?

A half century of rare earths mining and processing has “severely damaged surface vegetation, caused soil erosion, pollution, and acidification, and reduced or even eliminated food crop output,” the council reported, adding that Chinese rare earths plants typically produce wastewater with a “high concentration” of …

Where do we get rare-earth metals?

Rare-earth ore deposits are found all over the world. The major ores are in China, the United States, Australia, and Russia, while other viable ore bodies are found in Canada, India, South Africa, and southeast Asia.

How are rare earth minerals detected?

Many rare earth elements (REEs) have unique spectral properties at visible and near infrared wavelengths (VNIR: 400−1400 nm) that make them directly detectable with reflectance spectroscopy.

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What are rare earths where are they mined name some of the products that require rare earths?

WHAT ARE RARE EARTHS USED IN? Rare earths are used in rechargeable batteries for electric and hybrid cars, advanced ceramics, computers, DVD players, wind turbines, catalysts in cars and oil refineries, monitors, televisions, lighting, lasers, fiber optics, superconductors and glass polishing.

Which is the rarest of rare element on Earth?

The rarest element on earth is astatine. Astatine is the rarest naturally occurring element which is obtained as the decay product of heavier elements. The atomic number of astatine is 85 and At is the symbol used. Astatine is derived from the Greek word astatos which means unstable.

How does rare earth mining affect the environment?

Second, the process can have enormous environmental impacts. Mining for rare earth minerals generates large volumes of toxic and radioactive material, due to the co-extraction of thorium and uranium — radioactive metals which can cause problems for the environment and human health.

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Do solar panels use rare earth minerals?

The rare earths and critical metals which are essential to make solar PV and wind power have a potential of become supply constrained as economically viable concentrations of elements such as neodymium, dysprosium, indium, selenium, tellurium, terbium and gallium are found in only a handful of countries.

What makes rare earth metals valuable?

The rare earths are 17 metallic elements, located in the middle of the periodic table (atomic numbers 21, 39, and 57–71). These metals have unusual fluorescent, conductive, and magnetic properties—which make them very useful when alloyed, or mixed, in small quantities with more common metals such as iron.