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What are some lies Holden tells in Catcher in the Rye?

What are some lies Holden tells in Catcher in the Rye?

Holden lies to her throughout their conversation saying his name is Rudolph Schmidt, and that her son is a nice guy. He lies to her to present himself as someone different. This potentially isolates himself from people because he doesn’t allow himself to be who he really is, or get close to people.

Why does Holden lie so much in The Catcher in the Rye?

Preposterous Lying In ‘Catcher In The Rye’ Another flip side to why Holden lies is because he tends to get bored with certain conversations he has with his peers so lying helps him to check out of reality for a while and in doing this, he tries to impress people and let them feel sorry for him.

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What does Holden lie about in Chapter 8?

Holden tells a lie about visiting a grandmother in South America, while thinking that no matter what, he would never visit someone as unlikable as Ernest Morrow. Then, Holden continues on his journey.

Does Holden lie does he become a phony in the novel?

Despite the fact that Jay Gatsby is without a doubt a phony, Holden Caulfield is the more phony of the two because he is a liar, a hypocrite, and covers up his true feelings. Holden Caulfield is seen as a phony due to the fact that he is a liar.

Why does Holden tell Mrs Morrow lies?

In contrast, Holden lies to Mrs. Morrow, the mother of a jerk at his school, to make her feel better about herself and her son. But she will feel good about herself and her son for a short while, and that’s what Holden is trying to accomplish. When he meets the ugly women at the Lavender Room, he tells a similar lie.

Is Holden a good liar?

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Holden avoids tough conversations and feelings by disuniting himself from people and refraining from expressing his true emotions. Holden struggles to get out of awkward situations by lying. The reader knows this by the fact that he is a pretty good liar, which can …show more content…

Why does Holden lie to Mrs Morrow?

What does Holden lie about to Mrs Morrow?

Some of the lies Holden tells Mrs. Morrow are that his name is Rudolf Schmidt, that her son is one of the most popular boys at Pencey, that her son declined the nomination for class president, that he got hit with a snowball (for why his nose was bleeding), and that he has a tiny brain tumor.

What happened in Chapter 8 of Catcher in the Rye?

Summary: Chapter 8 Holden walks the entire way to the train station and catches a late train to New York. At Trenton, an attractive older woman gets on and sits next to him. When she asks why he is leaving Pencey early, Holden claims to be returning to New York for a brain tumor operation.

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What lies does Holden tell on the train Why do you think he does this?

In chapter 8 of The Catcher in the Rye, Holden lies to the woman on the train because he has a fundamental contempt for adults and the world that they have created. That world is full of phoniness, and Holden unwittingly adds to it by lying so freely.

Why is Holden Caulfield a hypocrite?

Throughout the story Holden does many things that would define him as a hypocrite. He is immature and rebellious and wants people to treat him like an adult even though he isn’t one. Holden’s actions often contradict his words, which would make him a hypocrite.

Why does Holden Caulfield call everyone a phony?

Holden characterizes “phonies” as people who are dishonest or fake about who they really are, or people who play a part just to fit into a society that Holden questions. Therefore, Holden hates “phonies” because they represent everything he fears or fights against, such as adulthood, conformity, and commercialism.