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What are some of the significant technological development throughout history that shaped human civilization?

What are some of the significant technological development throughout history that shaped human civilization?

Stone tools and weapons, fire, and clothing were technological developments of major importance during this period. Human ancestors have been using stone and other tools since long before the emergence of Homo sapiens approximately 300,000 years ago.

What is the significance of technology in the 21st century society?

It promotes inclusion and the development of digital literacy skills. It extends learning beyond the text – and beyond the classroom walls. It ultimately exposes students and teachers to new online global communities. This in turn promotes a global awareness, which is an essential component to a 21st century education.

How does the use of digital technology influence 21st century?

As young people use digital technologies more often, they are more apt to be virtually connected with family and friends, rather than physically spending time together; they are more likely to text, chat on social media, or connect through online gaming than actually meeting them in person.

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What invention has the biggest impact on society?

The Greatest Inventions In The Past 1000 Years

Invention Notes
1 Printing Press allowed literacy to greatly expand
2 Electric Light powered countless social changes
3 Automobile increased personal mobility and freedom
4 Telephone spread communication across wide areas

How did developments in science and technology affect society and shaped human history?

Technology has completely changed the way humans live, and therefore has shaped human history. Telephones, the Internet, and engines allow people and goods to move from place to place much quicker, and we can communicate around the world instantly.

Does modern technology make life convenient or was life better when technology was simpler?

Modern technology has its effect on every field of life. With the help of technology the things that seemed impossible in the past are now easily done. Now days we cannot imagine life without technology thus, we can that it makes life more convenient and simper than past.