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What are some things you would talk about with your child?

What are some things you would talk about with your child?

101 Conversation topics for kids

  • Tell me about the best and worst parts of your day.
  • What’s your favorite game to play?
  • If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
  • What’s your favorite thing to do in the car?
  • If you could be anywhere right now where would you be?
  • What’s your favorite cereal?

How do I have the talk with my daughter?

Talk about consent. You can start by telling her “This is what I wish for you,” McFadden says. “Then, elaborate how you want to make sure she feels safe and comfortable, that anything she engages in sexually—even if it’s just holding hands—feels reciprocal to her, and that she doesn’t feel pressured or coerced.”

How do you talk to a 10 year old boy about puberty?

Tips on Discussing Puberty with Your Kids

  1. Use actual body part language for genitals.
  2. Keep things short when talking to younger children.
  3. Use day-to-day situations to trigger conversations.
  4. Don’t wait to have “the talk”.
  5. Puberty is a normal part of growing up.
  6. Fake it until you make it.
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What’s a good topic of conversation?

Conversation Starters For Any Situation

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Have you done anything exciting lately?
  • What made you smile today?
  • How did you meet the host?
  • What’s your favorite form of social media?
  • What was the last good book you read?
  • Do you listen to any podcasts?

What should I talk to my parents about?

Talking to Your Parents

  • Talk about everyday stuff. Make it a habit to talk to your parent about regular things from your day.
  • Talk about a problem you’re going through.
  • Talk about something you’re worried about.
  • Talk about your feelings.
  • Spend time doing things you both enjoy.