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What are street smart people good at?

What are street smart people good at?

Being street smart means you have a good environmental or situational understanding. You know what’s going on around you. More importantly, you can see what’s happening around you. You are able to make judgments on the scenario, the place, and people around you, and you are able to trust these personal judgments.

How can I improve my street smartness?

Get different perspectives. Having access to more people’s thoughts will give you a better idea of how people think and what’s going on out there. Don’t just keep to yourself; ask people for advice and opinions. Increase your points of reference by tapping into people’s knowledge.

Is being street smart a skill?

Street smart people possess a valuable skill of finding a solution to almost every problem very quickly. And if not always, most of the times these solutions are very creative. Street smart people are able to get out of even the stickiest of situations.

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What are street skills?

Hosted by television star Josh Hopkins, Street Skills is a fast-paced safe-driving series with an important message: “Driving can be fun. Driving can be freedom. Driving can be fatal.” The Street Skills DVD set includes four 30-minute programs—The Art of Driving, Nature’s Laws, The Car, and The Road.

How can I be wise on the street?

How to be Streetwise and Safe

  1. Do stay alert. Keep your mind on your surroundings, who’s in front of you and who’s behind you.
  2. Do communicate the message that you’re calm, confident, and know where you’re going. Stand tall, walk purposefully, and make quick eye contact with people around you.
  3. Do trust your instincts.

How can I be street smart at work?

4 ways to create a “Street Smart” employee culture

  1. Project collaboration as part of a team.
  2. Making persuasive arguments.
  3. Writing to encourage action or make a specific request.
  4. Collaboration with people of diverse backgrounds.
  5. Communication with authority figures and clients.
  6. Managing up.
  7. Public speaking.
  8. Leadership.
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What’s better street smart or book smart?

Simply put, a person who has book smarts is someone who is intelligent and well educated academically. Street-smart people are unintelligent and incapable of achieving a higher education, but are more passionate and can usually find an answer to a problem through trial and error.

What makes a person streetwise?

Someone who is streetwise knows how to deal with difficult or dangerous situations in big cities.