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What are the 3 stages required for a control system to operate?

What are the 3 stages required for a control system to operate?

(i) Strategy Formulation. (ii) Management Control. ADVERTISEMENTS: (iii) Task Control or Operational Control.

What is control system in electrical engineering?

An electrical control system is a physical interconnection of devices that influences the behaviour of other devices or systems. Input devices such as sensors gather and respond to information and control a physical process by using electrical energy in the form of an output action.

What are the 3 basic components of an automatic control system?

An automated system consists of three basic elements: (1) power to accomplish the process and operate the system. (2) a program of instructions to direct the process, and (3) a control system to actuate the instructions.

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What is control system design?

The objective of control system design is to construct a system that has a desirable response to standard inputs. A desirable transient response is one that is sufficiently fast without excessive oscillations. A desirable steady-state response is one that follows the desired output with sufficient accuracy.

What are control processes?

Controlled processes are defined as a process that is under the flexible, intentional control of the individual, that he or she is consciously aware of, and that are effortful and constrained by the amount of attentional resources available at the moment.

What are the basic elements of a control system?

Elements of a good Control System

  • 1) Feedback. Feedback is the backbone of all control systems.
  • 2) Control must be objective.
  • 3) Prompt reporting of deviations.
  • 4) Control should be forward-looking.
  • 5) Flexible controls.
  • 6) Hierarchical suitability.
  • 7) Economical control.
  • 8) Strategic control points.

What are the 5 basic components of an automated system?

Each of these subsystems consists of only five basic components: (1) action element, (2) sensing mechanism, (3) control element, (4) decision element, and (5) program. Action elements are those parts of an automated system that provide energy to achieve the desired task or goal.