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What are the 3 ways you can get commissioned in the US Army?

What are the 3 ways you can get commissioned in the US Army?

You can earn a commission in the U.S. Army through one of four programs: the U.S. Military Academy, the Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, the Officer Candidate School or direct appointment.

What are some good reasons to become a cop?

Serve Your Community. Police officers serve their local communities in many ways.

  • Protect the Public. Police officers protect the community,keeping an eye on the public and reporting violations of the law.
  • Competitive Salary and Benefits.
  • Promotional Opportunities.
  • Educational Opportunities.
  • Personal Development.
  • Challenge Yourself.
  • Work in a Team.
  • Can an enlisted become an officer?

    Luckily, all five branches of the armed forces have made it possible for an enlisted service member to become an officer. Although a service member can be promoted to warrant officer because of his technical expertise, someone who wants to become a commissioned officer must attend officer candidate school.

    How do you become a police officer or detective?

    How to Become a Police Officer or Detective. Education requirements range from a high school diploma to a college degree. Most police and detectives must graduate from their agency’s training academy before completing a period of on-the-job training. Candidates must be U.S. citizens, usually at least 21 years old, and able to meet rigorous physical and personal qualifications.

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    What training do you need to become a police officer?

    Police officers hold at least a high school diploma, and have received police academy training. Most training programs have age and fitness requirements that are specific to local, state or federal law enforcement agencies. Learn more about the training requirements for becoming a police officer and about career opportunities in this field.