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What are the advantages of catalytic cracking?

What are the advantages of catalytic cracking?

Catalytic cracking yields a higher quantity of branched-chain, unsaturated, aromatic hydrocarbons as compared to thermal cracking. Catalytic cracking is a better-controlled process than thermal cracking. Petrol obtained by catalytic cracking has lesser sulfur content.

Is catalytic cracking expensive?

6.2. This process is relatively and substantially expensive as obtainable in the case with crude refining. Because the biofuel yields are relatively low, catalytic cracking is therefore a better alternative and a simpler approach.

Why is catalytic cracking better than steam cracking?

Catalytic cracking does produce some carbon dioxide, although the amount is 88\% less than traditional steam cracking, Dolhert said. But it is an easier separation process with fewer coproducts such as hydrogen, acetylene or unwanted hydrocarbons, he said.

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What’s the difference between catalytic and thermal cracking?

The main difference between thermal cracking and catalytic cracking is that thermal cracking uses heat energy for the breakdown of compounds whereas catalytic cracking involves a catalyst to obtain products.

What is the difference between steam cracking and catalytic cracking?

Various methods can be used for cracking, eg catalytic cracking and steam cracking: Catalytic cracking uses a temperature of approximately 550°C and a catalyst known as a zeolite which contains aluminium oxide and silicon oxide. Steam cracking uses a higher temperature of over 800°C and no catalyst.

What does catalytic cracking require?

Catalytic cracking uses a temperature of approximately 550°C and a catalyst known as a zeolite which contains aluminium oxide and silicon oxide. Steam cracking uses a higher temperature of over 800°C and no catalyst.

Why is catalytic cracking cheaper than thermal cracking?

What is Catalytic Cracking. Catalytic cracking is the breakdown of large compounds into small hydrocarbons using an acid catalyst. This cracking process can be done at a less temperature and pressure condition. Therefore, the operating of the processing unit is much easier than that of thermal cracking.

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