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What are the advantages of synchronous motor over induction motors?

What are the advantages of synchronous motor over induction motors?

Synchronous motors, while generally more expensive than induction motors, sport higher efficiencies (>90\%) and are great choices for crushers, mills, grinders, and other low speed, high-power applications.

What is induction and synchronous motors?

[What is a synchronous & Induction motors] The electromagnetic motor which converts electrical energy into mechanical work at constant speed is called as a ‘Synchronous Motor’. The electromagnetic motor which converts electrical energy into mechanical work at variable speed is called as a ‘Induction Motor’.

Do synchronous motors have brushes?

The rotor can have permanent magnets or windings energized by rectified dc, fed via a brush and slip ring arrangement. The speed of the rotating stator field is called the synchronous speed.

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How do you tell if a motor is asynchronous or synchronous?

if the slip of the motor is zero or the rotor has the same rotational speed as the stator rotating field, the motor is called AC Synchronous motor. if an AC motor has a slip or there is a difference between the stator field speed and the rotor, the motor is called asynchronous motor.

What is the disadvantage of synchronous motor?

Disadvantages or Demerits: Synchronous motors requires dc excitation which must be supplied from external sources. Synchronous motors are inherently not self starting motors and needs some arrangement for its starting and synchronizing. The cost per kW output is generally higher than that of induction motors.

What are the advantages of synchronous motor?

The advantages of the synchronous motor are the ease with which the power factor can be controlled and the constant rotational speed of the machine, irrespective of the applied load. Synchronous motors, however, are generally more expensive and a d.c. supply is a necessary feature of the rotor excitation.

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What is meant by synchronous machine?

A synchronous machine is an electrical machine whose rotating speed is proportional to the frequency of the alternating current supply and independent of the load.