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What are the aptitude topics asked in IT companies?

What are the aptitude topics asked in IT companies?

The Placements Round 1 (Written Test) will cover the following :

  • Quantitative Aptitude. Numbers ( Learn | Practice )
  • Data Interpretation ( Learn | Practice )
  • Reasoning (Logical Ability) Series : Missing Numbers, Odd One Out ( Learn | Practice )
  • English (Verbal Ability)
  • Computer Science & Programming.

How can I prepare for aptitude test in TCS?

Important Tips to prepare for TCS Aptitude Test:

  1. Email writing. As far as the email writing test is concerned, ensure that you strictly adhere to the directions.
  2. Quantitative ability. This is a multiple-choice round with a mix of logic and arithmetic questions.
  3. Programming language proficiency.
  4. Coding test.
  5. Time management.

Is Accenture aptitude test easy?

The tests are fairly easy to crack but the real test comes with the interviews. I myself cleared at least 10 aptitudes out of 20 and sat in about 7 interviews only to get my breakthrough with Accenture.

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What exams are like TCS Nqt?

InfyTQ, by Infosys, is a platform where students can register and get Infosys certified which will help them get a job as Systems Engineer in Infosys company. InfyTQ has two rounds, the first round is InfyTQ test, the second round is an HR Interview round conducted on the same day.

What are the topics to be prepared for TCS written test?

TCS Aptitude Syllabus and Pattern 2019 Topic Wise

  • Probability.
  • Clocks and Calendar.
  • Permutations and Combinations.
  • Number System and HCF & LCM.
  • Percentages.
  • Allegations and Mixtures.
  • Ratios, Proportion and Averages.
  • Work and Time.

Which is the best site for aptitude?

Best sites for students for improving reasoning aptitude

  • IndiaBix.com. This is a website that offers a variety of learning opportunities.
  • Testpot.com.
  • Freedu.in.
  • Sawaal.com.

Is accenture questions repeated?

The questions in Accenture are not repeated but the pattern of questions is repeated. If you are familiar with the types of questions asked, then it will be easy for you to answer.

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Does Infosys hire through Infytq?

On scoring 65\% or above, you become an Infosys Certified Software Programmer and are eligible for an on-the-spot job interview by Infosys….

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