Popular lifehacks

What are the colors for Ohio?

What are the colors for Ohio?

Ohio Bobcats football/Colors

What color is OSU?

Ohio State Buckeyes football/Colors

What color is Ohio State GREY?

Color Codes of Ohio State Buckeyes in RGB, CMYK, Pantone and HEX

Color Name RGB Color Code HEX Color Code
Scarlet (187, 0, 0) #BB0000
Gray (102, 102, 102) #666666
White (255, 255, 255) #FFFFFF
Black (0, 0, 0) #000000

What is Ohio University mascot?

Rufus the BobcatOhio University / Mascot
Our bobcat mascot, named Rufus, has changed appearances many times since the debut in 1960, from papier-mâché all the way to the current costume. The name “Rufus” comes from the species name for the bobcat, Lynx rufus, and is also a reference to Rufus Putnam, a member of the first board of trustees.

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What are the State colors?


State Color 1 Name(s)
New York Blue and Gold
North Carolina Red and Blue
North Dakota none none
Ohio Red, White and Blue

What color is OSU orange?

Color Codes of Oklahoma State Cowboys as HEX

Color Name HEX Color Code
Orange #FF7300
Black #000000

What color red is OSU?

The Ohio State University/Colors

What are FSU colors?

Florida State University/Colors

What is Ohio University’s motto?

Ohio University

Latin: Universitas Ohiensis
Motto Religio Doctrina Civilitas, Prae Omnibus Virtus
Motto in English Religion, Learning, Civility; Above All, Virtue
Type Public research university
Established February 18, 1804

What are Missouri State colors?

Missouri State University/Colors

What is the Ohio flag called?

Ohio’s flag was adopted by the Ohio state legislature in 1902 and the flag’s shape is unique among the other 49 sates. The flag is called a burgee, more precisely a swallow tail burgee.