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What are the different admixtures that are being used in concreting works?

What are the different admixtures that are being used in concreting works?

Concrete admixtures are of different types and they are as follows:

  • Water Reducing Admixtures.
  • Retarding Admixtures.
  • Accelerating Admixtures.
  • Air entraining concrete admixture.
  • Pozzolanic Admixtures.
  • Damp-proofing Admixtures.
  • Gas forming Admixtures.
  • Air detraining Admixtures.

What are admixtures and what are they used for?

An admixture is defined as “a material other than water, aggregates, cementitious materials, and fiber reinforcement, used as an ingredient of a cementitious mixture to modify its freshly mixed, setting, or hardened properties and that is added to the batch before or during its mixing” (ACI Committee 212, 2010).

What are the various admixtures used other than chemical and mineral admixtures?

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From the above literature Reviews, we have studied the different admixtures used in concrete are as a follows: (1) Silica fume (2) Metakaolin (3) POFA (4) RHA (5) GGBS (6) Fly Ash. From the above literature reviews, it is shown that the optimal percentage of silica fume and RHA varies from 5 to 15\%.

What are the different circumstances where admixtures are used?

Admixtures are used in concrete to alter its properties in various ways. Some common uses include improving workability, increasing or decreasing cure time, and increasing concrete strength. Admixtures can also be used for aesthetic reasons, such as to change the color of the cement.

What are the properties of admixtures?

Properties of Air entraining Admixtures Improves properties of fresh concrete such as workability, cohesion and reduces segregation and bleeding. Improves properties of hardened concrete – For every 1\% of air there is a 4\% loss in strength which is minimized by the reduction in water content.

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What are the difference between chemical admixtures and mineral admixtures?

Chemically active mineral admixtures decrease workability and setting time of concrete but increase the heat of hydration and reactivity. On the other hand, microfiller mineral admixtures increase workability and setting time of concrete but decrease the heat of hydration and reactivity.

Which are mineral admixtures?

Mineral admixtures are basically derived from other substances and not chemically manufactured. Fly ash, blast furnace slag, silica fume are popular examples of mineral admixtures.

What is the difference between admixtures and additives?

The main difference between additives and admixtures is that additives are added to cement during manufacturing to get new properties for cement whereas admixtures are added to concrete mixtures while mixing to get new properties.

What is the difference between mixture and admixture?

Mixture : its a composition of two or more substances, they can either be liquid, solid or gas. There is no chemical mixing of the substances, they are mixed physically only. Admixture : its the additional substance that is mixed in the standard proportioned combination of several other substances.