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What are the disadvantages of outcome-based education?

What are the disadvantages of outcome-based education?

Criticism of Outcome-based Education

  • Opposition to testing. Critics claim that existing tests do not adequately measure student mastery of the stated objectives.
  • Inappropriate outcomes.
  • Lack of evidence that OBE actually works.
  • Extra burden on instructors and educational institutions.
  • Dislike of something that is not OBE.

What are the features of outcome-based education?

Characteristics of outcome-based education similar to mastery-based learning:

  • There are clear criteria for what constitutes mastery.
  • Instruction is thoughtful and adapts to learner needs.
  • Learners are assisted when and where they have challenges.
  • Learners are given adequate time to achieve mastery.

What is the focus of outcome based education?

Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is a student-centric teaching and learning methodology in which the course delivery, assessment are planned to achieve stated objectives and outcomes. It focuses on measuring student performance i.e. outcomes at different levels.

How does outcome based education support academic freedom?

OBE lays down a set of well-defined processes and results that students should be able to deliver by the end of the program. As to the student-centered activities themselves, OBE encourages group works so students would learn how to deal with other people, which they say is one of the traits employers look for.

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What is education through outcome based?

Outcome-based education is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school provides to students, in favor of making students demonstrate that they “know and are able to do” whatever the required outcomes are. OBE reforms emphasize setting clear standards for observable, measurable outcomes.

What is the difference between outcome-based education and standard based education?

In a more traditional education model, students are expected to regurgitate facts through rote memorization; whereas outcome-based education bequeaths students with overarching knowledge and skills.