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What are the four main ores of iron?

What are the four main ores of iron?

There are four main types of iron ore deposit: massive hematite, which is the most commonly mined, magnetite, titanomagnetite, and pisolitic ironstone. These ores vary in colour from dark grey, bright yellow, or deep purple to rusty red.

What are the most common ores on Earth?

Coal, iron and bauxite top list of most-mined minerals in the…

  • Coal: 7.4 billion tonnes.
  • Iron: 4.6 billion tonnes.
  • Bauxite: 289 million tonnes.
  • Phosphate rock: 276 million tonnes.
  • Gypsum: 267.1 million tonnes.

What are the most common ore minerals?

The best metal ore minerals are those that contain large amounts of metals of value. Most metallic ore minerals are native elements, sulfides, sulfosalts, oxides, or hydroxides….9.2 Ore Minerals.

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Some Common Ore Minerals
metal mineral formula
Fe magnetite hematite goethite siderite pyrite Fe3O4 Fe2O3 FeO(OH) FeCO3 FeS2

What is the best iron ore?

Magnetite is the finest ore among all the ores of Iron. Magnetite ore comprises of seventy per cent of iron. The magnetic properties in this ore are appreciable.

What are the names of iron ore?

Iron Ores

Name Formula wt \% Fe
Magnetite Fe3O4 72.36
Hematite Fe2O3 69.94
Goethite FeO(OH) 62.58
Limonite FeO(OH) · n(H2O) 52 (n = 1)

What is the largest iron ore mine in the world?

The Kiruna mine is the largest and most modern underground iron ore mine in the world. The mine is located in Kiruna in Norrbotten County, Lapland, Sweden….Kiruna mine.

Products Iron ore
Production 26.9 million tonnes
Financial year 2018

Who is the largest producer of iron ore?


Rank Country Usable iron ore production (1000 tonnes)
World 2,500,000
1 Australia 930,000
2 Brazil 480,000
3 China 350,000
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Is Pyrite an iron ore?

Pyrite is composed of iron and sulfur; however, the mineral does not serve as an important source of either of these elements. Iron is typically obtained from oxide ores such as hematite and magnetite. Pyrite used to be an important ore for the production of sulfur and sulfuric acid.

Where are iron ore mines?

Iron ore was the third-highest-value metal mined in the United States, after gold and copper. Iron ore was mined from nine active mines and three reclamation operations in Michigan, Minnesota, and Utah. Most of the iron ore was mined in northern Minnesota’s Mesabi Range .

What is raw iron ore?

Iron Ore is the raw material from which commercial grade iron is sourced. Iron Ore being excavated from an open pit mine. Iron ore refers to rocks or minerals from which metallic iron is extracted for commercial use.

What is steel ore?

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Steel ore. This article, Steel ore, was created by Hyper86 and Howiter1. Steel ore is a joint article. This means that only Hyper86 and Howiter1 may edit Steel ore without prior consent.