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What are the four positions for X-rays?

What are the four positions for X-rays?

Body positions

  • erect: either standing or sitting.
  • decubitus: lying down.
  • supine: lying on back.
  • Trendelenburg position: the patient is supine (on an inclined radiographic table) with the head lower than the feet.
  • prone: lying face-down.
  • lateral decubitus: lying on one side. right lateral: right side touches the cassette.

How are X-rays positioned?

For a lateral decubitus chest radiograph, the patient lays on the side (either right or left) with the arms above the head and the chin up. The central ray is centered at the level of the T7 vertebra. Positioning for oblique radiographs requires rotation at approximately 45 degrees.

Where do you center for a hand xray?

Position of part: Hand centered palm down flat, fingers separated. The central ray should be perpendicular to the image receptor at 3rd MCP joint. Central ray: Perpendicular to the image receptor at 3rd MCP joint.

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What should a hand xray look like?

Hand X-Ray Results Dense objects, such bones or jewelry, will appear white on the X-ray film. Soft tissues will appear gray. Air, such as the spaces between your joints, will appear black.

What does oblique mean in radiology?

Oblique – Projection taken with the central ray at an angle to any of the body planes. Described by the angle of obliquity and the portion of the body the X-ray beam exits; right or left and posterior or anterior. For example, a 45 degree Right Anterior Oblique of the Cervical Spine.

How do you XRAY your wrist?

Position of part: Wrist prone palm up, extend fingers. Elevate digits slightly if possible to place the wrist in close contact to the image receptor. Make the patient lean laterally to avoid wrist rotation. Central ray: Perpendicular to the image receptor at center of wrist.

What is PA view in chest xray?

The posteroanterior (PA) chest view examines the lungs, bony thoracic cavity, mediastinum and great vessels.

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What is hand oblique?

The hand oblique view is part of a two view series metacarpals, phalanges, carpal bones and distal radial ulnar joint.