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What are the limitations of IPv4 and advantages of the IPv6?

What are the limitations of IPv4 and advantages of the IPv6?

Explain the limitations of IPv4 that are overcome by IPv6?

Difference IPv4 IPv6
Internet Header Length Maximum: 60 Bytes Minimum: 20 Bytes No longer needed, since IPv6 header is 40 Bytes always
Connection Not so secure Protection and security like VPN
Speed or efficiency Not so fast data transfer Simple and fast data transfer

What are the limitations of IPv4?

Disadvantages of IPv4

  • Configurations. IPv4 needs configuration either manually or automatically.
  • Security. Since IPv4 was published long time back, it was not meant to secure from threats imposed today.
  • Infrastructure.
  • Mobility.
  • Access Space.
  • Geographical Restrictions.

What is the main reason why IPv6 is not widely used?

Perhaps the primary reason IPv6 has been slow to take hold is because of network address translation (NAT), which has the ability to take a collection of private IP addresses and make them public.

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What are the 3 major limitations of IPv4?

The lack of address space – the number of different devices connected to the Internet grows exponentially, and the size of the address space is quickly depleted; 2. Weak protocol extensibility – the insufficient size of the IPv4 header, which does not accommodate the required number of additional parameters; 3.

What is the disadvantage of IPv6 over IPv4?

Complexity in the Network Topology Drawings IPv4 addresses had a short length, which was easy to lay on the topology drawing. With the IPv6 protocol, it becomes complicated to fit the prefixes. The text is barely legible in the case of IPv6.

Why is IPv4 limited?

Address depletion While the primary reason for IPv4 address exhaustion is insufficient capacity in the design of the original Internet infrastructure, several additional driving factors have aggravated the shortcomings.

Why the transition to IPv6 is so difficult?

It’s expensive. The Internet is made up of tens of millions of servers, routers, and switches that were designed to work with IPv4. Upgrading that infrastructure entails a significant capital investment. IPv6 native devices are not capable of straightforwardly communicating with IPv4 devices.