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What are the main topics for bank exams?

What are the main topics for bank exams?

In the Prelims exam, the following topics are generally asked:

  • Number Series.
  • Simplification / Approximation.
  • Data interpretation.
  • Quadratic Equation.
  • Arithmetic Topics (Profit & loss, Percentage, S.I, C.I, Ages, Averages, etc.)
  • Data Sufficiency.
  • Inequalities.

Which is the easiest bank exam to crack?

Amongst all the banking exams the easiest to crack is IBPS RRB – Regional Rural Bank examinations.

What is the strategy to crack bank exams?

Going through the previous years’ bank exam question papers and mock tests always give an insight into the important topics and the bank exam pattern to the candidate. This analysis is helpful if conducted prior to the initiation of the bank exam preparation.

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How many hours should I study to crack bank exams?

You should study for at least 6–7 hours daily or more to crack Bank Exams. The best way to prepare for a Bank Exam is to solve previous year question papers. This will give you a clear idea about the pattern and difficulty level of the questions. You should also take online mock tests daily.

How can I study reasoning for SBI PO?

Points to Ponder while preparing Reasoning for SBI PO Prelims

  1. Practice a lot of questions.
  2. Maintain Speed and Accuracy: Always starts with reading and understanding concepts of the Reasoning topics.
  3. Time Management: Solving questions in a timely manner is extremely important.

How can I pass bank exams?

Candidates should try and make use of online resources by downloading relevant bank exam books and study materials and practice more from mock papers and prior years’ bank exam question papers for better preparation. To learn 20 Simple Tips To Crack Bank Exams In First Attempt, check at the linked article.

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How many hours a day should I study for bank exams?

A daily study plan of 5–6 hours for 6 months is more than enough to clear IBPS PO. Plan your studies with adequate breaks. Buy books which covers all the topics(Reasoning, Aptitude and English). Read The Hindu Newspaper daily for GK and to improve your vocabulary.

What is the syllabus of bank po?

IBPS PO Prelims Syllabus 2021

English Language Syllabus Quantitative Ability Syllabus Reasoning Syllabus
Reading Comprehension Simplification Logical Reasoning
Multiple Meaning/Error Spotting Time & Distance Seating Arrangement
Paragraph Completion Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere Puzzle
Data Interpretation Tabulation