Popular lifehacks

What are the most embarrassing items to buy?

What are the most embarrassing items to buy?

A new study from SWNS Digital found the top Ten items people are most embarrassed to buy at the grocery store, and that list includes:

  • Condoms.
  • Emergency contraceptives.
  • Bed Bug spray.
  • Head lice treatment.
  • Hemorrhoid cream.
  • Diarrhea relief.
  • Pregnancy tests.
  • Adult diapers for incontinence.

Why is grocery shopping overwhelming?

Going food shopping can feel overwhelming because there are so many choices, it can also make you feel over-stimulated and anxious. In order to get out of the store as quickly as possible, you might find you throw more items into your cart than you can eat or you could under buy, so you don’t have complete meals.

What are the points to remember while buying things from grocery shop?

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10 Things to keep in mind for your next grocery shopping

  • 01/11​Things to keep in mind for your next grocery shopping.
  • 02/11​Make an elaborate list.
  • 03/11​Check manufacturing and expiry dates.
  • 04/11​Budgeting is the key.
  • 05/11​Don’t shop when you’re hungry.
  • 06/11​Avoid canned foods.
  • 07/11​Weigh your options.

What is the fear of shopping called?

Officinaphobia is the fear of shopping. The word comes from the Latin officina meaning shop, and Greek phobos meaning fear.

What will you do before going to the grocery?

Before You Go

  • Plan your trips carefully.
  • Check store policies.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Go solo.
  • Bring your own hand sanitizer and wipes, if you have them.
  • If you use gloves, use them properly.
  • Follow rules and posted guidelines.
  • Avoid cash transactions if you can.

What is the fear of grocery stores?

It’s hard to imagine that people are afraid of supermarkets, but about five percent of the population suffers from this horror. Yes, the stores that carry all the necessary items that it takes to run a home are danger zones for those who have agoraphobia.