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What are the most profitable exports?

What are the most profitable exports?

The 10 Most Exported Products in the World

  1. Cars ($699.8 billion)
  2. Crude oil ($655.3 billion)
  3. Integrated circuits, microassemblies ($531.9 billion)
  4. Phone system devices ($509.1 billion)
  5. Processed petroleum oils ($499.2 billion)
  6. Auto parts and accessories ($361.9 billion)
  7. Gold (unwrought) ($327.6 billion)

How do I find leads for exports?

How to find buyers online?

  1. Google Ads. Another great idea is to optimize your website visibility using Google Search Console.
  2. Google Search Console.
  3. A typical Facebook page of an Import/Export business interactive group.
  4. An example of an Indian exporter’s profile on Alibaba.

Which items India exports the most?

List of exports 2012

# Product Value
1 Refined petroleum 52,905
2 Jewellery 17,814
3 Pharmaceuticals 10,886
4 Rice 6,109

Which is the best online platform for import and export business?

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Hope this helps. B2b marketplace is one of the best online platform where you can import and export you business. Tradeindia is one of the top leading B2b marketplace where buyers and sellers are trade with each other. This is reliable, trustworthy and transparent platform.

How B2B trade portals can help in import export business?

B2B trade portals are big online marketplaces and they handle billions of dollars transactions between their clients. They offer extensive support and web based technologies to their customers for successful trade processing. You can find import export business opportunities at these B2B sites.

What is the exportexport portal?

Export Portal is hyper-focused on security, verifying all our users to create a trustworthy space for all businesses to easily complete global trade transactions. Export Portal is a digital B2B platform aiming to be a comprehensive international trade hub for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and their counterparts.

Where can I find import export business opportunities in India?

You can find import export business opportunities at these B2B sites. For example, Exporters India- www.exportersindia.com is a great B2B marketplace for not only Indian businesses but also online the global traders who are interested in importing products from Indian companies. You will find more such examples of B2B websites in India.