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What are the power and functions of Attorney General of India?

What are the power and functions of Attorney General of India?

Powers, duties and functions Attorney General is necessary for advising the Government of India on legal matters referred to them. They also perform other legal duties assigned to them by the President.

What are the rights of Attorney General of India?

The Attorney General of India has the right to take part in the proceedings of both the Houses of Parliament and their joint sittings but doesn’t have the right to vote. Attorney General of India has the right to speak or to take part in the meeting of any committee of the Parliament of which he is named as a member.

What are the major powers and functions of Attorney General?

Article 76 of the constitution mentions that he/she is the highest law officer of India. As a chief legal advisor to the government of India, he advises the union government on all legal matters. He also is the primary lawyer representing Union Government in the Supreme Court of India.

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Who decides the salary of Attorney General of India?

the President
The remuneration of the Attorney General of India is not fixed by the Constitution. He receives such remuneration as the President may determine.

Who is known as the Green judge of India?

Justice Kuldip Singh
Justice Kuldip Singh came to be known as the “green judge” after he decided a number of PILs on environmental issues. Till his retirement from the Supreme Court in 1996, he passed crucial judgments on air pollution, including specifying norms for industries around the Taj Mahal.

Who can become the general attorney of India?

A legal education and a membership in any state bar council are required, for those who aspire to be an Attorney General. To become an Attorney General, the person must be qualified to become the Supreme Court Judge as prescribed by Article 124 (3) of the Constitution of India.

What is a general power of attorney?

Material particulars (personal information) of the principal and the agent i.e. the parties,

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  • The various purposes for which the agent is authorised to act on behalf of the agent,and
  • A list of 2 witnesses who shall affirm the contents of the general power of attorney.
  • What is a general financial power of attorney?

    Financial Power of Attorney. A financial power of attorney, or general power of attorney, permits someone you have designated (your “agent”) to oversee your finances. Typically it is used so the person can step in and pay your bills or handle other financial matters when you cannot physically or mentally handle your affairs,…

    How responsible is the power of attorney?

    Specific and General Responsibilities. There are two general types of power of attorney.

  • Incapacity. An agent with a power of attorney must still follow instruction from the principal at all times,except when the principal is incapacitated.
  • Authority.
  • Recordkeeping.
  • Considerations.