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What are the problems of PDS system?

What are the problems of PDS system?

In general, the public distribution system has following limitations. Identification of poor by the states is not fool proof. A large number of poor and needy persons are left out and a lot of fake cards are also issued. Fair Price Shop owner gets fake Ration cards and sell the food grains in the open market.

How can we improve PDS?

The National Food Security Act (NFSA) of 2013 further broadened the scope of PDS by raising the level of subsidies, expanding coverage, and emphasizing demand, especially in the choice of the food basket. Yet, the PDS has been plagued with charges of corruption, overpricing and delivery of low-quality grains.

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How public distribution system can solve the problem of food security?

The Public Distribution System (PDS) of India plays a crucial role in reducing food insecurity by acting as a safety net by distributing essentials at a subsidised rate.

What are the problems faced by PDS in India?

PDS faces challenges like leakages and diversion of food-grains, inclusion/exclusion errors; fake and bogus ration cards; lack of transparency; weak grievance redressal and social audit mechanisms, viability of Fair Price Shops, etc.

Who started Indian PDS?

In June, 1997, the Government of India launched the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) with focus on the poor.

What is PDS in agriculture?

The Public Distribution System (PDS) in the country facilitates transfer of the food grains produced to the various geographical regions and to the poor and needy. In the light of the growing food subsidy and food stocks many doubts have been raised about the cost-effectiveness of the PDS.

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What is PDS system class 10?

Definition: Public distribution system is a government-sponsored chain of shops entrusted with the work of distributing basic food and non-food commodities to the needy sections of the society at very cheap prices.

What is provided under PDS?

Under the PDS, presently the commodities namely wheat, rice, sugar and kerosene are being allocated to the States/UTs for distribution. Some States/UTs also distribute additional items of mass consumption through the PDS outlets such as pulses, edible oils, iodized salt, spices, etc.

What are the disadvantages of ration shop?

Answer: Problems of the functioning of ration shops: (i) The PDS dealers are sometimes found resorting to malpractices like diverting the grains to open market for more profit. (ii) Dealers sell poor quality grains at ration shops. (iii) Ration shops are opened atirregular time creating problems for the people….