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What are the realms of Oblivion?

What are the realms of Oblivion?

The Elder Scrolls: Every Realm Of Oblivion, Explained

  • 10 Mehrunes Dagon’s Realm – The Deadlands.
  • 11 Malacath’s Realm – Ashpit.
  • 12 Hircine’s Realm – The Hunting Grounds.
  • 13 Hermaeus Mora’s Realm – Apocrypha.
  • 14 Clavicus Vile’s Realm – The Fields Of Regret.
  • 15 Boethiah’s Realm.
  • 16 Azura’s Realm – Moonshadow.

How many Oblivion realms are there?

Oblivion contains all the dimensional planes which are home to the Daedra, and can be divided into the sixteen realms of the Daedric Princes, and over 37,000 other planes, chaos realms and pocket realities.

What is Oblivion Elder Scrolls lore?

Oblivion is a realm within the Aurbis, and is mainly inhabited by the Daedra—Et’Ada who did not contribute to the creation of the Mundus. Most realms are maintained by greater Daedra, although some are ruled by mortals who have ascended to immortality—like the Ideal Masters.

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What is nocturnals realm of Oblivion?

The Evergloam is a realm of Oblivion, created and ruled over by Nocturnal, the Daedric Prince of Shadow. It is a realm of perpetual twilight, and the “cradle of shadow”. The Evergloam consists of a primary plane and several pocket realms, including the Shade Perilous and the Crow’s Wood.

What is Hircines realm called?

Hircine’s realm, known as the Hunting Grounds, is a world locked in a perpetual contest between predator and prey. Filled with wild creatures both fantastic and mundane in addition to monstrous lycanthropes, it is a mystical wilderness as beautiful as it is dangerous.

Who created Oblivion?

Bethesda Softworks
Bethesda Game Studios4J StudiosSuperscape
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion/Developers

What is nocturnal The God of?

) is the Daedric Prince whose sphere is the night and darkness. She is also known as the Night Mistress and Lady Luck.

Who is Mara Skyrim?

In Skyrim, Mara is a handmaiden of Kyne. In the Empire she is the mother-goddess and the female principle that gave birth to creation. She is either married to Akatosh or Lorkhan. She appears in nearly every culture.