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What are the reasons for the water shortage in Chennai?

What are the reasons for the water shortage in Chennai?

While climate change and extreme weather have played a part, the main culprit for Chennai’s water woes is poor planning. As the city grew, vast areas of the surrounding floodplain, along with its lakes and ponds, disappeared.

What indicates the water scarcity in India?

The crisis has especially worsened in the recent years due to climate change which results in delayed monsoons, consequently drying out reservoirs in several regions. Other factors attributed to the shortage of water in India are a lack of proper infrastructure and government oversight and unchecked water pollution.

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What is the situation of water supply in Chennai is water available to all?

Millions of people are without consistent access to water. A lack of rainwater and groundwater has left four of the reservoirs that supply the city completely dry. The inability to meet demand for water has forced businesses like hotels and restaurants to close.

What is the condition of water supply in Chennai and why?

Chennai is entirely dependent on ground water resources to meet its water needs. Ground water resources in Chennai are replenished by rain water and the city’s average rainfall is 1,276 mm. Chennai receives about 985 million liters per day (mld) from various sources against the required amount of 1,200 mld.

Is Chennai out of water?

Between 1893 and 2017, the area of Chennai’s water bodies shrank from 12.6 square kilometers to about 3.2 square kilometers, according to researchers at Chennai’s Anna University. The team from Anna University projects that by 2030 around 60\% of the city’s groundwater will be critically degraded.

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Is there water shortage in Chennai?

Now only four remain: Red Hills, Cholavaram, Poondi and Chembarambakkam, with a combined capacity of about 11,000 mcft, of which 5 mcft is lost daily due to evaporation. Chennai is supplied 985 mld of water per day against the required amount of 1,200 mld. So water shortage is a perennial problem.

Which of the following states of India had a city that faced acute water shortage in the year 1985?

Jodhpur, a city in Rajasthan faced acute water shortage in the year 1985.

Is Chennai water Problem solved?

2.Only 5 out of 210 water bodies restored As for the restoration of water bodies, in its latest submission to the Madras High Court on the water scarcity, Chief Engineer of the Chennai Metro Water Supply and Sewerage Board submitted that only five water bodies of the 210 in the city have been restored.