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What are the reasons in ancient time women were not allowed to pursue education?

What are the reasons in ancient time women were not allowed to pursue education?

The discontinuance of Upanayana was disastrous to the religious status of women and they were declared unfit to recite Vedic Mantras and perform Vedic sacrifices. Thus Vedic education was prohibited to women. With the advent of foreigners the Brahmanical society became rigid and conservative.

What was the condition of women’s education in medieval India?

Generally they lost all touch with cultural and educational activities after their marriage. Women belonging to the lower ranks of the society practically had no education. Still it cannot be said that women’s education was totally non-existent in India during the Medieval period.

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Why girls are not allowed in Gurukul?

Girls do not go to a gurukul as they needed to help and do everything for their family and house. See when a new house is bought that time it is just a makaan but when a bahu or a girl who serves the house, then it becomes a ghar.

What were women entitled to in ancient India?

In ancient India women were entitled to study Vedas and to the chanting of Gayatri mantra.

What is the current situation of women in India?

Violence against women, especially sexual violence, is a serious concern in India….Women in India.

General Statistics
Women in parliament 14.5\%
Women over 25 with secondary education 39\% [M: 63.5\%]
Women in labour force 27.2\% [M: 78.8\%]
Gender Inequality Index

Can girls chant Vedas?

It is a popular belief that women are not allowed to chant Vedas. Neither do the Vedas nor Hinduism discriminate against women. In Hindu scripture Tandya Brahmana there are some mantras which can only be recited by women. Women have the highest esteem in the Sanatana dharma.

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Does Hinduism believe in equality?

Hinduism teaches that the Divine is equally present in all. Because all beings are connected through this shared divine presence, prejudice and discrimination against anyone violates this most profound and fundamental teaching and the moral duties of selflessness, non-injury, and truth evoked by it.

What was the status of women in ancient India?

The main purpose of this research paper is to acquire an understanding of the status of women in ancient India. In ancient times, the women were considered with respect and dignity. During this period, there were women rishis, and they were held in high esteem.

How was education imparted to women during the early Vedic period?

It is difficult to determine the exact extent of education imparted to women during the early Vedic period in India. Upanayana ritual was obligatory for girls, and this must have ensured the imparting of a certain amount of Vedic and literary education to the girls of all classes.

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Did women’s education get its due share of attention in India?

In India women’s education never got its due share of attention. From medieval India women were debarred from the educational field. According to medieval perception women need just household education and this perception of medieval India still persists in villages of India even today.

Was ancient India conservative to provide education to women?

Lilabati was a great mathematician of ancient India. Thus we find that ancient society was not conservative to provide education to women and that many of them attained to great proficiencies in learning. The ancient women had equal rights with men in respect of education.