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What are the sources for reconstruction of Mesopotamian civilization class 11?

What are the sources for reconstruction of Mesopotamian civilization class 11?

What are the sources for reconstruction for of Mesopotamian civilization? Ans :- ( i ) Rich archaeological remains at various sites. (e.g. Uruk and Mari) of buildings, statues, or naments, granes, tools and seals. ( ii ) Written documents e.g. records.

What was the main source of work in Mesopotamia?

Agricultural Societies The societies of Mesopotamia depended largely on agriculture and access to water. Initially, the majority of the land was owned by the palace and the temples, but in the 18th century BCE, large swathes of land were privatized.

What resources did the floodplains mostly provide for the Mesopotamian civilization?

The only consistent source of freshwater came from the floods. The Mesopotamians relied on the water brought by the floods for drinking, for their livestock, and for watering their crops. The floods also brought fish and waterfowl to the Fertile Crescent, which were sources of food for the Mesopotamians.

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What was the architecture of Mesopotamian civilization?

One of the most remarkable achievements of Mesopotamian architecture was the development of the ziggurat, a massive structure taking the form of a terraced step pyramid of successively receding stories or levels, with a shrine or temple at the summit. Like pyramids, ziggurats were built by stacking and piling .

What resources did the floodplains mostly provide?

Fish and Wildlife Habitats Due to the abundance of water and vegetation, floodplains provide wetland, riparian and other habitat (including shelter and food sources) for large and diverse populations of fish and wildlife species.

What natural resource did the Mesopotamians use to protect their cities from floods?

The farmers in Sumer created levees to hold back the floods from their fields and cut canals to channel river water to the fields. The use of levees and canals is called irrigation, another Sumerian invention.

Which structure of the Mesopotamian civilization is one of the seven wonders of the world?

Hanging Gardens of Babylon, ancient gardens considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World and thought to have been located near the royal palace in Babylon. By the beginning of the 21st century, the site of the Hanging Gardens had not yet been conclusively established.

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What are the features of Mesopotamian civilization class 11?

Features of Mesopotamian civilisation

  • Mesopotamian civilisationis known for its prosperity, city life, voluminous and rich literature, its mathematics and astronomy.
  • Mesopotamia’s writing system and literature spread to the eastern Mediterranean, northern Syria, and Turkey.