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What are the types of SQL interview questions?

What are the types of SQL interview questions?

SQL Interview Questions

  • What is Database?
  • What is DBMS?
  • What is RDBMS?
  • What is SQL?
  • What is the difference between SQL and MySQL?
  • What are Tables and Fields?
  • What are Constraints in SQL?
  • What is a Primary Key?

What are the interview questions for SQL Developer?

SQL Interview Questions

  • What is the difference between SQL and MySQL?
  • What are the different subsets of SQL?
  • What do you mean by DBMS?
  • What do you mean by table and field in SQL?
  • What are joins in SQL?
  • What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR2 datatype in SQL?
  • What is the Primary key?
  • What are Constraints?
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What is surrogate key in SQL?

A Surrogate Key in SQL Server is a unique identifier for each row in the table. It is just a key. Using this key we can identify a unique row. There is no business meaning for Surrogate Keys. A Surrogate Key is just a unique identifier for each row and it may use as a Primary Key.

How many interviews are there in Oracle?

Since the number of interview rounds range anywhere from four to seven, it can be intimidating at times for a candidate.

What is Oracle interview process?

It is an online test round where MCQ questions ranging from verbal, quantitative to core subjects such as DS, Networking, OOPS, Database are asked. Practice is required as number of questions are more. Technical Interview Round 1: This is a coding round where generally 2 questions are given.

What are the advanced SQL interview questions with its answers?

This article will give you the idea about important Advanced SQL Interview Questions with its answers. The Advanced SQL Interview Questions contains the questions with complex sql as well as questions with different advanced SQL. Question 1 : Is there any way to find out column is indexed or not?

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What kind of questions are asked at Oracle SQL interviews?

The questions/problems asked at Oracle SQL interviews are typically based on the following set of topics: Here’s typically what you can expect at the interview: Technical SQL questions: These mostly pertain to core concepts in SQL and general features of certain SQL queries.

What is an Oracle Developer expected to know?

Typically, an Oracle Developer is expected to know the basics of querying along with advanced concepts. Here, we have covered questions focused not only on the fundamentals of SQL programming but also on the theoretical understanding.

What are constraints in Oracle interview questions?

This is the most common Oracle Interview Questions asked in an interview. Constraints are the rules defined over data. Named constraint for a primary key can be added in two ways: 1. During table creation: 2. In the Alter statement 6. What are savepoints?