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What are the uses of self compacting concrete?

What are the uses of self compacting concrete?

Applications of Self-Compacting Concrete

  • Construction of raft and pile foundations.
  • Retrofitting and repairing constructions.
  • Structures with complex reinforcement distributions.
  • Construction of earth retaining systems.
  • Drilled shafts.
  • Columns.

Where do we use SCC?

SCC can be used for casting heavily reinforced sections, places where there can be no access to vibrators for compaction and in complex shapes of formwork which may otherwise be impossible to cast, giving a far superior surface than conventional concrete.

Is code for SCC concrete?

This paper deals with the Mix design of Self-Compacting concrete. The highlight of this paper is, simplest process of Mix design according to Indian Standard Code of Mix design (IS-10262) and It follows all the design conditions in line with Indian Standard Code of Reinforced Concrete Structure (IS:456).

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What are the characteristics of self compacting concrete?

To be classified as SCC, concrete must have certain vital features: filling ability, or excellent deformability, and ability to pass through reinforcement without blocking.

What is self-compacting concrete PDF?

Self-compacting concrete is a fluid mixture suitable for placing in structures with congested reinforcement without vibration. Self-compacting concrete development must ensure a good balance between deformability and stability.

What is the difference between self-compacting concrete and normal concrete?

One of the key differences between the self-compacting concrete (SCC) and normal cement concrete (NCC) is the flowability property of SCC by it’s on weight. Most of the differences shown by SCC is due to this variation of flowability from the normal concrete.

What is SCC mix?

Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) is a highly fluid mixture designed to flow and consolidate under its own weight. The mixture is very cohesive and is capable of filling all types of spaces without segregation or bleeding.

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What is UBOX test?

U Box test is used to measure the filing ability of self compacting concrete. The apparatus consists of a vessel that is divided by a middle wall into two compartments; an opening with a sliding gate is fitted between the two sections. The height of the concrete in both sections is measured.

What is difference between SDC and SCC concrete?

The concept of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) was first developed in Japan in the 1980’s. With Smart Dynamic Concrete (SDC), a concept introduced to the Asian market in the recent past, it is possible to achieve self-compacting properties using a lower amount of cementitious material without detrimental effects.

What is the difference between self compacting concrete and normal concrete?

What is the slump value of self compacting concrete?

A value of at least 650 mm is required for SCC (Self Compact Concrete).

What is self compacting concrete PDF?