Popular lifehacks

What are the white spots on my security camera?

What are the white spots on my security camera?

Bright spots or extremely white hazy areas on the CCTV video could be a result of Infra Red or IR light reflecting back into the camera lens. You may not be able to see the IR light but it is very bright and any kind of surface which is close to the front side of the camera can reflect it back into the lens.

Why is my security camera dark at night?

If the night vision on your security cameras is dark and grainy, the most likely problem is that the camera’s night vision capability is not sufficient for the area being viewed.

How do you stop infrared reflection?

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How to prevent the IR reflection of surveillance cameras

  1. Leave an outside light on.
  2. Disable the night vision mode.
  3. Get an IR illumination light.
  4. Consider investing in an outdoor CCTV camera.

Why is my security camera blinking?

Light sources are one of the most common reasons that security cameras flicker at night. But if there are light sources close to the camera, it can destabilize the camera’s infrared system, which will start to flicker because the light source causes the camera to frequently turn on and off its infrared.

What happens if you put a mirror in front of a security camera?

Glass will reflect Infrared light just like it will reflect any other kind of light. When this happens in a camera, the IR light will reflect off the glass and back into the lens; this produces a negative effect that will all but render your camera useless during these low light situations.

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Why are my cameras black and white at night?

Cameras are also equipped with a sensor that can see the infrared light reflecting off people and objects in the viewing area. This creates a black and white image to the end-user. Because the visible light sensor is no longer picking up enough light to create an image, the camera can no longer detect colors.