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What are two high-income countries?

What are two high-income countries?

High-income group

Rank Country GNI per capita (US$)
1 Liechtenstein 116,440
2 Switzerland 84,310
Isle of Man (UK) 83,160
3 Norway 78,180

WHAT IS A countries income?

The gross national income (GNI) is calculated by adding gross domestic product to factor incomes from foreign residents, then subtracting income earned by non-residents. Developed countries are usually classified as high-income countries.

What is lower middle income country?

The lower middle income economies are countries where the per capita GNI falls between $1,026 and $3,955. The countries that are part of the upper MIC classification with a GNI that falls between $3,956 and $12,475.

What is an upper income country?

A high-income economy is defined by the World Bank as a nation with a gross national income per capita of US$12,696 or more in 2020, calculated using the Atlas method. Thus, a high-income country may be classified as either developed or developing.

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What are called high income countries Class 10?

Countries with per capita income of US$ 49,300 per annum and above in 2019, are called high income or rich countries and those with per capita income of US$ 2500 or less are called low-income countries.

How is the world countries divided based on income?

The World Bank groups economies into one of four categories: low income, lower-middle income, upper-middle income, high income. The categories are used to show how different groups of countries are doing against measures such as reducing poverty, growth, increasing income per head of population, and so on.

What do middle class families make?


  • 2-person family middle-class income range: $50,117.34 to $149,604.
  • 3-person family middle-class income range: $54,870.99 to $163,794.
  • 4-person family middle-class income range: $62,647.68 to $187,008.

What is a low income country geography?

Low income country (LIC) – countries that have a GNI per capita of $1,035 or LESS according to the World Bank. These are poorer countries that have mainly primary jobs such as farming and mining. Countries include Bangladesh and Mali.

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What is the richest country per capita?

GDP per Capita

# Country GDP (nominal) per capita (2017)
1 Qatar $61,264
2 Macao $80,890
3 Luxembourg $105,280
4 Singapore $56,746