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What are two importance of nucleic acids?

What are two importance of nucleic acids?

Two main functions of nucleic acids are: (i) DNA is responsible for the transmission of inherent characters from one generation to the next. This process of transmission is called heredity. (ii) Nucleic acids (both DNA and RNA) are responsible for protein synthesis in a cell.

What are biologically important nucleotides?

Nucleotides are in particular essential for replication of DNA and transcription of RNA in rapidly dividing stages. Nucleotides are also essential in providing the cellular energy sources (ATP and GTP), and are involved in numerous other metabolic roles.

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What is the structure and function of nucleic acids?

Nucleic acids, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), carry genetic information which is read in cells to make the RNA and proteins by which living things function. The well-known structure of the DNA double helix allows this information to be copied and passed on to the next generation.

What are the important structural and functional differences between DNA and RNA?

DNA has a double helix structure. RNA has a single helix structure. The nitrogenous bases present in DNA are Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, and Cytosine. The nitrogenous bases present in RNA are Adenine, Guanine, Uracil, and Cytosine.

What is the function of nucleic acids 12?

They help in the role of transmission of hereditary characters and synthesis of proteins. Each nucleotide consists of 3 parts: A pentose sugar. A nitrogenous base.

What are biological important adenine nucleotides?

Adenine nucleotides are components of the coenzymes, NAD(P)+, FAD, and CoA.

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What are biologically important peptides?

Peptides are biologically and medically important molecules. They naturally occur within organisms, plus lab-synthesized compounds are active when introduced into a body. Peptides act as structural components of cells and tissues, hormones, toxins, antibiotics, and enzymes.

What are biological molecules?

A biomolecule is a chemical compound found in living organisms. These include chemicals that are composed of mainly carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus. Biomolecules are the building blocks of life and perform important functions in living organisms.

Why are the differences between RNA and DNA important?

DNA and RNA perform different functions in humans. DNA is responsible for storing and transferring genetic information, while RNA directly codes for amino acids and acts as a messenger between DNA and ribosomes to make proteins.

What are important structural and functional differences between DNA and RNA molecules quizlet?

-DNA is double-stranded, RNA is single-stranded. – DNA contains a pentose sugar Deoxyribose, RNA contains the pentose sugar Ribose. A pentose is a 5-carbon sugar molecule. – DNA is limited to the nucleus, RNA is made in the nucleus, but can travel outside of it.

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What is the main function of a nucleic acid answers com?

Correct answer: Explanation: The main function of nucleic acid is to form the genetic material. Recall that DNA is utilized to make RNA (also made up of nucleic acid) during transcription. There are three kinds of RNA molecules: mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA.