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What branch does SERE training?

What branch does SERE training?

The course helps Navy pilots and aircrewmen, as well as other ground troops in the Navy, learn about evading capture as well as being held captive by an enemy force. Attendants may include those serving as SEALs, SWCC, EOD, RECON / MarSOCC, and Navy Combat Medics. SERE is an advanced Code-of-Conduct course.

Are SERE instructors Special Forces?

Although SERE Specialists are not considered special operations forces (SOF), they do have considerable input in the training and exercises conducted by SOF. There are four enlisted specialities and three officer specialities that form what are known as Battlefield Airmen (Table 1).

How do you become a SERE instructor in the Army?

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To become a SERE instructor, you must be enlisted in the United States Army, Navy, or Air Force and are required to pass a variety of tests to assess your physical and mental health and to earn SERE certification.

Where do SERE instructors get stationed?

SERE Specialists are stationed at Air Force and joint bases globally —- often as few as one per base. The Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Polk is fortunate to also have a SERE Specialist close at hand —- Tech Sgt. John Conant.

How much do SERE instructors make?

The average hourly wage for a Sere Instructor in the United States is $30 as of November 29, 2021, but the salary range typically falls between $27 and $44.

Do SERE instructors get deployed?

The Air Force’s SERE specialists are part of Air Force Special Operations, but unlike combat controllers or pararescuemen, their job does not involve direct combat. They also can deploy to combat locations, but SERE airmen do not directly participate in combat operations.

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How hard is it to be a SERE instructor?

“To become a SERE specialist there are a lot of steps, including a two-week selection course, multiple water survival training courses, parachuting and arctic survival, three weeks of field and combat survival, daily physical training, classroom work, technical school for six months and finally a one year period where …

How long does it take to become a SERE instructor?