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What business can I start with 500 in Nigeria?

What business can I start with 500 in Nigeria?

Businesses You Can Start with N500,000 in Nigeria

  • Mini Importation Business.
  • Sales of Clothes and Shoes.
  • Barbing Saloon Business.
  • Football Viewing Center/Game Center.
  • Hair Dressing.
  • Real Estate Business.
  • Block Moulding Business.
  • Computer Service Center.

What is the cheapest business to start in Nigeria?

7 Of The Cheapest Businesses To Start In Nigeria

  • Errand Service.
  • Writing Service.
  • Painting Business.
  • Private Tutorial Business.
  • Interior Decoration Business.
  • Affiliate Marketing Business.
  • In-Person Delivery Service.

What business sells fast in Nigeria?

Top Business Ideas in Nigeria You Should Consider

  • Cosmetics Production Business.
  • Tomato Farming Business.
  • Gym Business.
  • Blogging.
  • Sale of Mobile Phone Accessories.
  • Mobile Phone Repairs.
  • Plantain Chips Production and Sales.
  • Ice block Production and Sale.
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Can I start a business with 500k?

Business you can start with 500k It is one of the fastest-growing businesses in Nigeria in addition to the fact that it a lucrative business.

How can I invest 200k in Nigeria?

Listed below are profitable small businesses you can start with 200k that are thriving in Nigeria today.

  1. Open a Restaurant.
  2. Start a Fumigation Business.
  3. Laundry and dry cleaning services.
  4. Starting your own home services.
  5. Importation of wears.
  6. Livestock farming.
  7. Car wash center.
  8. Corporate cleaning services.

Which business can I start with r500?

This means that you can start a business selling prepaid products like airtime, data, SMS bundles, electricity, water and gas for under 500 bucks! You can also settle EasyPay and Pay@ bills (e.g. DSTV) and traffic fines using iK Vend.

Which business gives more profit in Nigeria?

Pure water business Because of the important nature of water, pure water business makes this list of the most lucrative businesses in Nigeria. There are approximately 180 million people in Nigeria today and all of them drink water! That makes this business very profitable, because you will always have buyers.