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What can be done to reduce rural-urban migration?

What can be done to reduce rural-urban migration?

One key strategy for achieving this is the promotion of effective local economic development programs and activities and decentralisation (GSGDA, 2010). Development in the rural areas would help create new jobs, help communities retain existing jobs, and thus reduce rural-urban migration.

How can we reduce rural-urban migration in Bangladesh?

Balanced rural-urban development can be achieved through poverty alleviation, increasing economic activity, relocating industry, infrastructural development, increasing employment opportunities, providing training for enhancing productivity of the rural poor.

What are the causes of rural to urban migration?

In rural areas, less employment opportunities, low wages, drought, lack of basic amenities, landlessness, social factors act as push factors and more employment opportunities, higher income, better wages, better facilities activities as pull factors towards the rural to urban migration.

What are the factors responsible for rural-urban migration?

Factors responsible for voluntary rural-urban migration include urban job opportunities, better housing conditions, rural land tenure and inheritance patterns, better education opportunities, better health services, extreme poverty etc.

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What are the causes of migration from rural to urban areas?

Climate change is having far-reaching effects on agricultural productivity and food security. It is among the main reasons for the record numbers of people compelled to migrate from rural areas to towns and cities around the world.

How can we manage the migration crisis?

10 ways to manage the migration crisis

  1. 1) Establish a standard asylum procedure across Europe.
  2. 2) Provide a safe and swift alternative to a meaningful number of refugees.
  3. 3) End the war in Syria.
  4. 4) Give Syrians employment rights in Turkey.
  5. 5) Persuade Gulf countries to take in more Syrians.