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What can you do to protect your PII?

What can you do to protect your PII?

Top 10 Tips to Protect Your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for Data Privacy Day

  1. Be careful about sharing your social security number.
  2. Lock down your social media accounts.
  3. Be wary of public Wi-Fi.
  4. Get creative with security questions.
  5. Use strong passwords.
  6. Browse privately.
  7. Watch out for phishing scams.

Which are PII confidentiality safeguards?

De-identification – organizations can protect PII by removing it where it may no longer be needed. De-identification is a great tool safeguard data. Encryption – organizations can encrypt databases and repositories where PII is stored.

How do you become PII Compliant?

PII compliance checklist

  1. Step 1: Identify and classify PII. First, establish what PII your organization collects and where it is stored.
  2. Step 2: Create a PII policy. Next, create a PII policy that governs working with personal data.
  3. Step 3: Implement data security tools.
  4. Step 4: Practice IAM.
  5. Step 5: Monitor + respond.
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Which type of safeguarding measures involves encrypting PII before it is electronically transferred?

Technical Safeguards: Technology-based instruments and procedures used to protect private information such as requiring Common Access Cards for System Access and encrypting computers and emails.

Why should we protect PII?

Keeping PII private is important to ensure the integrity of your identity. With just a few bits of your personal information, thieves can create false accounts in your name, start racking up debt, or even create a falsified passport and sell your identity to a criminal.

Why is safeguarding PII important?

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO SAFEGUARD PII? Unauthorized recipients may fraudulently use the information. Damage to victims can affect their good name, credit, job opportunities, possibly result in criminal charges and arrest, as well as cause embarrassment and emotional stress.

Why is protecting PII important?

What is PII confidentiality impact?

Definition(s): The PII confidentiality impact level—low, moderate, or high— indicates the potential harm that could result to the subject individuals and/or the organization if PII were inappropriately accessed, used, or disclosed.

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Does PII need to be encrypted?

Sensitive PII—such as passport, driver’s license or Social Security numbers—however, requires encryption in transit as well as at rest to prevent harm being caused to the individual if their PII ends up in the wrong hands.

Which of the following is considered the best way to protect personally identifiable information?

Explanation: As a matter of good practice any PII should be protected with strong encryption.

Is PII sensitive or confidential?

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is a category of sensitive information that is associated with an individual person, such as an employee, student, or donor. PII should be accessed only on a strictly need-to-know basis and handled and stored with care.

Can you take PII home?

Do not take Sensitive PII home or to any non- DHS approved worksite, in either paper or electronic format, unless appropriately secured. Paper documents must be under the control of the employee or locked in a secure container when not in use. Physically secure Sensitive PII when in transit.